Aqua Pilates


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Aqua Pilates - Instruktørkursus i "Aqua Pilates"  med Mariano Solier

Kurset foregår på letforståeligt engelsk.

Aqua Pilates is exactly as it sounds - Pilates in water - but there are some differences to a normal Pilates lessons.

Obviously students cannot perform mat work as they cannot lie on the bottom of the pool! A small aerobic routine is also built into the lesson to stop students becoming cold while they are working in the pool.

Pilates is a body-conditioning programme that relies on strengthening the 'core postural muscles' of your back and stomach and will help realign your body.

Students perform a series of exercises based on small movements that encourage you to work on the deep structural muscles. They are designed to produce a longer and leaner physique.

These muscles also help stabilise you while you are working in the water. By tightening your stomach and lower back muscles, you are less likely to fall over in the pool during your workout.

Day 1: Aquapilates certification level 1.

Day 2: Use of Material and functional evaluation.

Kurset er af 8 timers varighed pr. dag.

Tid: Kurset kan bookes eksternt.

                         Pris: kr. 3.995,- pr. person


(åbner et nyt vindue)


Bakkekammen 113

3600 Frederikssund

+45 20 999 810

CVR. 20537531